Friday, January 15, 2010

Things learned

Here are a few things that we have either learned or observed within the last year that we have started to run "seriously", if that is what you call it. We may go with "recreationally" or possibly "for fun".

* You should always scope out the best places around the race site to have breakfast after the race. Nothing like a full belly after you have ran a race...gotta get those calories back somehow!

* Spandex = Twigs & Berries

* When in St. Louis, do as the other tourists do and yell "Detroit" when taking any photo. For some reason "Detroit" sounds alot cooler than "Indiana" or "Crawfordsville".

* No matter how hot, tired or how much you are craving that drink of cold water at the aid station, always take the shot at mile 6 so you don't upset the volunteers.

* Stairway to 7 does not equal Stairway to Heaven, make sure you tell your quads that after you get to the top and they are screaming.

* Be careful when doing an Aerosmith medly rendition for concert tickets. Once word gets out on how awesome you were you could possibly cause the band to dis-member without using the excuse of rehab.

* Running thru waist deep water, wasps inside your socks and briar patch scratches that leave open wounds are so freaking cool!

* Hills will always be your friend! You can cuss them, stomp on them, and even roll down them and they will always be there.

* Wet shorts at the finish line - it happens and you cannot control it so just sit down in the grass, smile and let it flow.

* Everyone has a case of jet propulsion at times. Sometimes it helps you get ahead and sometimes it knocks down others behind you. Just remember it is all about the exhale......aaaahhhh!

* Some/Most energy bars can tase like card board so just go for the doughnuts after the race

* It's ALWAYS all about the outfit and knee high socks only make the outfit better!

* When an unknown miscreant mutters the phrase "You ladies look beautiful" as you are running past on the wrong side of the tracks, that is only motivation for you to run a whole heck of alot faster!

* Usually it isn't a good fun run unless someone "biffs" it.

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